Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I just found out that FISA affects me directly- I WAS WIRETAPPED

So I'm super, ultra, mega, pissed at Obama right now.

I am on the list of Maine residents who were illegally wiretapped by Verizon:


I shit you not! Right there #1 on page 6!

The funny thing is, I am not only not a terrorist, but I also haven't placed any calls outside of the USA (it's too damned expensive.)

The NSA/FISA issue is obvious on it's face, but when it affects you personally, it takes you to a whole new level.

But then, all politics is personal right?

I called the MCLU, and because of the FISA vote, I currently have no rights to challenge this.


This does it for me. Obama is a weak-willed traitor to the Constitution. I have no reason to beleive him when he takes his oath of office to protect and uphold the constitution-- his vote on FISA negates it fully.

It's sealed beyond a question of a doubt at this point-- I'm voting for Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney.

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