Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I found out I was wiretapped: Some reflections

Here's the list of people who were illegally wiretapped.

I'm #1 on page six.

Apparently, they were recording my calls! Or at least one of them. I don't understand why, or how. I have AT&T and haven't ever called outside of the country that I can think of (it's really expensive).

Other friends of mine are also on the list.

I knew that Obama's vote was wrong before I knew I was illegally wiretapped.

But this morning, I called the ACLU to see what my legal rights were now, and because of Obama's vote (and others) for telecom immunity, I now have no legal recourse. I can't do anything about it. Nothing. They broke the law, my privacy was violated, and they're getting away with it.

Now that this affects me personally, and knowing that my right to recourse has been taken from me by Obama, I find it unconscionable to support Obama.

It strikes me as bizzare that friends of mine are saying to me, "Asher, I support your fight here, but I support Obama still. I totally agree with you though, his FISA vote was wrong."

From my perspective, I feel totally violated, and these shows of support for me mingled with shows of support for Obama totally baffle me.

How can people support him? It's like I was robbed, and people are saying, "yeah, it sucks that you were robbed, but you know, that guy who robbed you is cool, so I'm going to hang at his place for a party tonight."

People who are saying they support Obama but also support my fight against the FISA decision are liars. They've turned their backs on me, and everybody else who has had their privacy violated.

I have no faith in the Left-wing/progressive movement anymore. They're all so caught up in the Obama love-fest that they just don't realize what a terrible politician he really is.

The Left Wing is just as guilty of the same starry-eyed fervor that swept Bush into office. They will lie to themselves to fend off the truths that show how he is not what they think he is.

They believe whole heartedly in their candidate, they won't let facts get in the way.

There is no doubt in my mind that Obama is going to win this next election. We are going to see four more years of a Democratic George W Bush.

The Democratic Party is not an opposition party.
The Voters won't notice that they're being fed the same bull pie from both parties.
And for their lack of observation, they will get what they deserve.


KitKat said...

I'm so sorry (and angry) that they are telling you there is no recourse... GAH, that's completely insane! Shouldn't this be something that /is/ determined in the court system????

Not even possible criminal prosecutions, like they sometimes mention might be possible due to the wording...?

Sheep said...

This is far too fucked up!

Welcome to the brain washed "Land of the Free"!!

I am sorry, Asher.

Coleman said...

I kept getting hit by the "Hillary is EVIL, Vote for Obama" propaganda during the primary and it drove me sick. I never felt that Obama did anything special to actually sit him at a higher pedestal than Hillary, and felt that all of it was pretty much nonsense.

Now we are seeing the result of this: both Obama and Hillary have pro's and con's and really I don't see either one winning out over the other. They'll both change their position on something like FISA (along with numerous other democratic senators) for the purpose of expediency. We (the people) need to stop getting all "starry-eyed" about a candidate "looking presidential" or "sounding presidential".

Whatever happened to wanting a candidate to "act presidential"? Is that just outdated now?

For the record: Sen. Clinton actually voted against the latest FISA bill discussed here. Barack Obama missed a very good opportunity to stand up, fight for the people, and act like a leader here.

Dre said...

The FISA dance was the last straw for me with Obama. It angers me how his supporters are minimizing that vote like it's not a big deal. I lost respect for Russ Feingold trying to tell us to vote for for Obama so he can fix FISA.

So ..Let's vote for Obama so he can fix a broken law that he voted for to pass...Yea that makes sense. Pfft.