Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Headlines for July.14.08

* Kucinich introduced the impeachment bill as one article on Thursday. Pelosi suggested that the House Judiciary Committee may hold some hearings on the resolution, more then they have done before.

* The Red Cross stated that the conditions at Gitmo are in fact torture.

This is important because the Red cross is the international standard for prison conditions - they inspect all of the international prisons and their judgment on what is and is not acceptable is the international baseline. If they say that we are torturing, it doesn't matter what screwed up logic that we make here at home, in the eyes of the world what we are doing is a War Crime, and it brings the possibility of charges and a tribunal.

* Karl Rove continues to ignore a subpoena from the Congress citing executive privileges. This was already turned down once during the Nixon Administration. - Executive power does not trump the Congress' role of oversight. Because the courts are packed with loyal appointees the only road for redress in this matter - the courts - are effectively blocked.

* Iran tested missiles. The United States wants to build a radar base in Prague as part of U.S. missile defense system in eastern Europe. If The Czech Republic allows this then Russia has threatened force.

* Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stocks have continued to slump, which is feeding speculation that the government will bail them out.

* Homeland security looking at a new measure for security: requiring everyone on planes to wear bracelets that will effectively taser you if activated.

* The Green Party convention was in Illinois.

* The Ron Paul Revolution march was this weekend in DC.

* Anti-gay Alabama Republican Attorney General was caught in bed by his wife with another man.

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