Monday, July 14, 2008

Biofuels and Related Consequences Responsible for 75% of Food Price Increases

The World Bank produced a report in April 2008 that analyzed the causes of rising food prices that have resulted in widespread suffering in developing countries. For whatever reason (I'll let you guys come up with the conspiracy theories), the World Bank did not release the report. So I will :)

If you click on the pictures of the pages of the report, you can enlarge them and read it.

1 comment:

The Punk Patriot said...

That's bullshit.

US Gov't backed Corn Ethanol and Soy Bioldiesel, perhaps.

Not BioFuels on their face though.

And besides, it's not the USA's responsibility to feed the world who cannot feed themselves. We don't need to create a world filled with serfs and beggars. Programs that help them to become self-sufficient I can support. Food aid, I cannot. It's the proverbial fish you give a man-- he only eats for a day.

Our current food distribution model is broken and needs to be totally overhauled.