Monday, July 21, 2008

Nickelodeon is Brain washing our Kids!

So the other day I was just hanging out watching a little TV. (After seeing this I remember why I usually stick to CSPAN.) I flipped on Nickelodeon just to see what crappy ass cartoons they are showing now days. (Long live Captain Planet and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!) Nickelodeon is now doing this whole "Kids Pick the President" thing.

Well this song came on talking about how we have real democracy in the USA.

Please tell me you are at least slightly disturbed.

After watching that, all I could think is, "I wonder how much the US Government paid Nickelodeon to do this?"

It is good for our kids to want to get involved, but when they are being fed this bullshit that we are "living large" because we have a "democracy" I find that kind of reminiscent of brain washing. It is feeding and brain washing our kids to believe we live in this utopian society. Now don't get me wrong, there are countries up shit's creek without a paddle, far worse than we are. But -COME ON-!!

Why isn't Nickelodeon singing about important things like the Peak Oil Crisis or maybe how we need to pull out of Iraq -now-, rather than how we can live large and be comfortable because our "rights" could never be taken way. You are in charge because you vote.

All I have to say to that is....LIES!

Here is my video response I posted on youtube. Perhaps you all would like to join in with my little challenge.

And remember kids, it's in our Constitution that, it is not only our right, but our responsibility as American citizens, to question an invasive governmental action which clearly undermines our Constitutional rights. Perhaps a song about this would be better?

1 comment:

The Punk Patriot said...

Actually, the Electoral College would have gone to Gore as well.

The 2000 election was stolen by the Bush election officials who were also in charge of certifying the votes, the illegal purging of black voters, and then there was the Supreme court who stepped in and said, "we think Bush won, even if he didn't get enough votes."

I would suggest you see the film "unprecedented" for more information on the subject.