Monday, July 7, 2008

Those who take no interest in politics will forever be ruled by those who do.

Each issue that our country faces today is influenced by it's connection with other issues. Abortion is directly effected by the issue of education, which is influenced by the lack of "separation of church and state" and the introduction of "abstinence only education" which came in part because of "faith based initiatives." It is also effected by family violence which is part of the larger problem of violence in society --from gang violence to state violence, which is there because of the concept of acceptable levels /of/ violence.


Additionally, the failing infrastructure of our country is in part because of job loss, which is directly effected by the influx of immigrants, which is also caused in part by NAFTA which caused a wage collapse in Mexico. Plus infrastructure fails in part because of the lack of taxes being directed towards fixing our bridges and levees.

The problem is that the issues that our country want to put into legislation are interconnected and therefor complex. Simplistic solutions or answers to complex problems only spur confusion and strife. The world is not simple, and should not be handled as such. Sweeping laws that legislate morality do not take into account the different aspects /of/ morality. This is why we have three branches of government - one of which is the Supreme Court, which handles things on a case by case basis to interpret the laws and their meanings/ effects on such complexities.

The concept of freedom is also one that is inherently complex because it's very definition is /the ability to choose./ Within that ability is the /freedom to make mistakes./ Without that quintessential freedom, individual choice means nothing. Freedom takes work and it takes education. We cannot be free if we do not have the ability to analyze the different and complex things that impact our lives.

Freedom is also concept that can only be cared for by the affluent. You cannot worry about your abilities to choose or even redress your government if you cannot afford to eat, or have a place to sleep, or care for your health, or provide for your family. As such, in a functioning society everyone needs to have their basic needs met. A system that does not provide for that inherently unhealthy and cannot sustain itself as 'Free' because people need to be able to /think/ about freedom in order to be able to /achieve/ it.

So long as our poor get poorer, our rich richer, and the gears of corporations are oiled by the blood of Americans the concepts of freedom and what they mean for a society will slowly be perverted or eliminated.

Each of these concepts are connected to each other, and that is what makes them complex. Society, which is made up of individuals, is a thousand layers deep and has billions of connections. The whole system has to be guided into submission gently so as not to upset the delicate balance that allows those who are living under it to thrive. When the system is out of balance we see more injustice, more strife, and ultimately less control over it.

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