Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Taxing Truth This Election

So, I recently did a long drawn-out investigation of the data dumped by the Tax Policy Center on the tax proposals of Obama and McCain. A lot of info, but I have done a better job summarizing it than many of the graphs floating around out there on the 'Net. I'm posting the link here to the blog post on The Cincinnati Enquirer.

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, click up the "Recommend" flag at the bottom of the article, and it will help knock it to the top of the "Recommended" list on the website, and thus get many many more views in the notoriously Republican southwest corner of Ohio, and hopefully do some work to dispel Republican myths.
As always, share the link and spread it around. In addition to the typical "how much taxes do you save" analysis, I also took the liberty to summarize the impact on the federal deficit too. This is one point that is important to many, but gets very much less impact.

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